Night Birds Sing
Copyright © 7 October 1993 Goh Ser Chong
In this pale moon light,
Hear those lonely night birds sing,
Listen to their sorrow plight,
Echoing in the night,
As the cloud clears the night,
Watch the stars shine their light,
There they seems to shine so bright,
With thousands in my sight,
there is no wind and it’s quiet here,
Night birds song so sweet to hear,
Flying far and yet so near,
Under this night so clear,
And when the crickets start to sing,
the flower bells start to ring,
the night is short and so it seems,
Life is but a dream,
Hear the night birds sing,
Listen to their sorrow plights,
Crying out in this lonely night,
The night is short it seems,
There’s no one to share my dreams,
So quiet my life it means,
And when the sun lights the night,
It’s and end to all my pride.
Copyright © 1993-2025 Patrick Khoo. All rights reserved.
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